Category:Thai films[Research progress on effect and mechanism of essential oil for treatment of sleep disturbance].
Sleep is the key process in life, affecting the work and life quality of individual. Sleep disturbance is one of the symptoms of certain diseases, it will worsen the condition of patient. Many methods are used to deal with the sleep disturbance, but the effect is still unsatisfied. The essential oil of flower has been a traditional used in clinic for thousands of years, but no report about its application for sleep disturbance is found. This paper summarizes the researches about essential oil of flower for treatment of sleep disturbance. On the basis of literature reviews, the sleep inducing property and the mechanism of the essential oil for treatment of sleep disturbance are discussed. The essential oil from flower has a broad spectrum and good therapeutic effect. It is more effective for sleep disturbance caused by some special diseases than sleeping pill. It is a safe and cheap drug and it is also in line with the principles of traditional Chinese medicine.The Dream of Gene Kelly: The Heart of the American Musical
The Dream of Gene Kelly: The Heart of the American Musical is a 1979 American documentary television special about the career of actor Gene Kelly. It originally aired on NBC on January 14, 1979.
The documentary was directed by documentary film director and producer, James Bridges, and was shown as part of the NBC 40th Anniversary Celebration of The Jazz Singer.
In the documentary, the filmography of Kelly is discussed, as are the highlights and achievements of his career. A cast of notable actors discuss his stage work and film work, and Kelly's contribution to the growth of the art form. Documentary footage from his early film work is included.
The cast of the film:
In popular culture
The documentary is referenced in the 1979 film Heaven Can Wait, in which Kelly is portrayed by Irish actor Brendan Gleeson.
See also
List of American films of 1959
External links
Category:1979 television films
Category:American documentary television films
Category:American films
Category:English-language films
Category:Gene Kelly
Category:NBC network original films
Category:Films directed by James Bridges ac619d1d87
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