En esta sección, puedes ver cómo se usan las palabras y expresiones en diferentes contextos con los ejemplos de traducciones realizadas por profesionales. La sección Contextos te ayudara a aprender inglés, alemán, español y otros idiomas. Aquí puedes encontrar ejemplos con las frases verbales, expresiones idiomáticas y palabras ambiguas en textos de diferentes estilos y temas.
que significa he did the homework en espa ol
traducción inglesa, traducción rusa, traducción alemana, traducción francesa, traducción española, traducción italiana, traducción árabe, traducción kazaja, traducción china, traducción coreana, traducción portuguesa, traducción turca, traducción ucraniana, traducción finlandés, traducción japonesa
Records required for exempt employees differ from those for nonexempt workers. Special information is required for homeworkers, for employees working under uncommon pay arrangements, for employees to whom lodging or other facilities are furnished, and for employees receiving remedial education.
1. The completion of homework prior to attending an in-person course. Proof of completed homework must be brought to the in-person course. The homework can take several hours to complete.
Due to COVID, most DEC offices are closed to the public. Call the office if you need to pick up course materials. Find a DEC Wildlife Office near you.You can also request a hard copy be mailed to you by calling1-888-486-8332.You must bring the completed homework worksheet to your in-person course.
Students must complete the required homework, attend all sessions of the course, demonstrate proper attitude and safety, and pass a final exam of 50 questions. After successful completion of the course, students will receive a Hunter Education Certificate of Qualification, which is required for purchasing a first-time hunting license in New York State.
Find a DEC Wildlife Office near you.You can also request a hard copy be mailed to you by calling 1-888-486-8332.You must bring the completed homework worksheet to your in-person course.
Students must complete required homework, attend all sessions of the course, demonstrate proper attitude and safety, and pass a final exam of 40 questions. After successful completion of the course, students will receive a Bowhunter Education Certificate of Qualification, which is required in addition to a hunting license or hunter education certificate for purchasing a first-time bowhunting privilege in New York State.
Due to COVID, most DEC offices are closed to the public. Call the office if you need to pick up course materials.Find a DEC Wildlife Office near you.You can also request a hard copy be mailed to you by calling1-888-486-8332.You must bring the completed homework worksheet to your in-person course.
If you are certified through the home study course, you can still take an in-person course to get hands-on experience. You must register for an in-person course, but you can show the instructor your home study certificate in place of the required in-person course homework.
There are no age restrictions to take the Trapper Education Course. The student must be able to complete the required homework and the in-person course, and pass the written test with no more help then having the test questions read to them if needed.(Note: Anyone over the age of 12 must purchase a trapping license to trap in New York. Those under the age of 12 may assist a licensed trapper without possessing a trapping license, as long as the person they are assisting is their parent, legal guardian, or person age 18 or older designated in writing with at least 3 years of trapping experience.)
Choose one of the following two ways to obtain the study materials and complete the required homework. Whichever option you choose to complete the homework, you must bring the completed homework with you to an in-person course.
Students must complete required homework, attend all sessions of the course, demonstrate proper attitude and safety, and pass a final exam of 25 questions. After successful completion of the course, students will receive a Waterfowl Education Certificate of Qualification, which is required for accessing several National Wildlife Refuges and state lands open to waterfowl hunting.
Contact the teacher as soon as you suspect your child has a homework problem (as well as when you think he's having any major problems with his schoolwork). Schools have a responsibility to keep you informed about your child's performance and behavior and you have a right to be upset if you don't find out until report-card time that your child is having difficulties. On the other hand, you may figure out that a problem exists before the teacher does. By alerting the teacher, you can work together to solve a problem in its early stages.
Request a meeting with the teacher to discuss homework problems. Tell him briefly why you want to meet. You might say, "Rachel is having trouble with her math homework. I'm worried about why she can't finish the problems and what we might do to help her." If English is your second language, you may need to make special arrangements, such as including in the meeting someone who is bilingual.
Let the teacher know whether your child finds the assignments too hard or too easy. (Teachers also like to know when their students are particularly excited about an assignment.) Of course, not all homework assignments can be expected to interest your child and be perfectly suited to her. Teachers just don't have time to tailor homework to the individual needs of each student. However, most teachers want to assign homework that their students can complete successfully and they welcome feedback.
Is the homework often too hard? Maybe your child has fallen behind and will need extra help from the teacher or a tutor to catch up.
Does your child need to make up a lot of work because of absences? The first step might be working out a schedule with the teacher.
Does your child need extra support beyond what home and school can give her? Ask the teacher, school guidance counselor or principal if there are mentor programs in your community. Mentor programs pair a child with an adult volunteer who assists with the child's special needs. Many schools, universities, community organizations, churches and businesses offer excellent mentoring programs.
Helping your child with homework is an opportunity to improve your child's chances of doing well in school and life. By helping your child with homework, you can help him learn important lessons about discipline and responsibility. You can open up lines of communication—between you and your child and you and the school. You are in a unique position to help your child make connections between school work and the "real world," and thereby bring meaning (and some enjoyment) to your child's homework experience.
Qué es un programa de inmersión dual? Inmersión dual es la mejor forma de educación bilingüe. Los estudiantes aprenden a leer, escribir, hablar y escuchar en español e inglés. También aprenden los otras materias en los dos idiomas. Programas de inmersión dual tienen la misma cantidad de estudiantes que hablan inglés y que hablan español y todos trabajan juntos durante el día. De esta manera, todos los estudiantes tiene la oportunidad de ser modelos en su primer idioma y aprender en su segunda idioma. Nuestro programa se enfoca en el español en los primeros grados en 4to a 6to grado se iguala en cantidad de inglés y español.
Te gusta la idea de que tu hijo/a aprenda a leer y escribir en español antes de aprender en inglés? Empezamos la lectura y escritura en español con todos los estudiantes en el programa de inmersión. Algunos papás están preocupados de que su hijo no va a aprender inglés. Desde el primer día hablan inglés y algunos de sus clases son en inglés solamente. Sin embargo, enseñamos a los niños a leer y escribir en inglés recién a medio año del 2do grado. Qué piensas al respeto?
Cuándo tienen que responder a la maestra en el idioma que están aprendiendo? Empiezan a hablar su nueva idioma desde el primer día. La mayoría de los niños saben algo de inglés y de español y los maestros son expertos para motivar a que los niños usen las palabras que saben y que aprenden.
Note: The presence of a disability doesn't automatically guarantee a child will get services. To be eligible, the disability must affect how the child does at school. To decide on a child's eligibility, a team of professionals will consider their observations, as well as how the child does on standardized tests and daily work such as tests, quizzes, classwork, and homework.
Students who lack internet access at home risk falling behind on schoolwork, as well as being unable to learn technology skills that are needed for many jobs. Being unable to learn internet skills at a young age could put students at a disadvantage in the future. 94% of low income school districts utilize homework that is online, which makes internet access a necessity for students.[6] In order to complete homework, students may resort to such measures as waiting for hours to use a public library computer or standing outside of their school after hours to try and pick up a WiFi signal. Research on the correlation between internet access and school performance has been limited. However, one study has shown a significant difference between states that have higher broadband access and states that do not, with the latter having students that tend to achieve lower scores in academic subjects.[6] Another study found that in 2015, almost 50% of students surveyed said that they had missed assignments due to lack of internet access.[6] With the homework gap impacting low-income populations, it is possible that the achievement gap between different socioeconomic groups of students will grow. 2ff7e9595c